Dosjan, the owner and founder of Kazakh Tour LLC, reflects on the striking changes to the Potanin Glacier over the past 24 years.
“In the early 2000s, this glacier was a fresh, white expanse of ice, with no rocks in sight. Today, I can see firsthand how quickly it’s melting and shrinking.
Research shows that the lower end of the glacier is melting by about 3 to 5 meters each year. That’s 72 meters in 24 years—the height of a 24-story building. And when you consider how wide the glacier is, the impact is even more alarming.”
Let’s cherish and protect these natural wonders before it’s too late.
Хэт оройтохоос өмнө байгалийн гайхамшгийг хайрлан хамгаалцгаая!

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